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Lost Lake, Oregon..again

Last weekend I got to go to Lost Lake for the second time in the last 8 months or so. This place is so much fun! On this trip we decided to get a bunch of people together and camp for a couple of days. Friday was really nice but Saturday we got dumped on. It was kinda lame that we planned this for the one crappy weekend in June but we still had a great time. Here are some of the highlights to this years trip:

  • I got to spend some time with Sam finally. We always go way to long between visits so it was really good to see him.
  • I got to watch some of my friends "snorkel" beer. Watch for the video to be premiering here real soon!
  • This was my first camping trip with good gear. After last years trip I decided it was time to grow up and get my own shit. I bought a nice sleeping bag, tent and a little sleeping pad. I've never slept so good while camping. The only downside to all this stuff was packing it cleaning it up when I got home. It's kinda nice when you use other peoples gear but I did enjoy having my own this time.
  • The other cool thing was having a killer ride on the way up. I got to take my semi new Audi out for a little road trip. Holler!
  • Almost forgot, here are the pictures.
I'm thinking it would be nice to get up there for another little trip sometime when there's no rain. Anyone down?